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Popular Turtles

The Green Turtle is the most commonly found turtle in Sri Lanka. They are also found in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Their English name refers to the colour of the fat found under their shells, which unfortunately is used to make turtle soup. Luckily this practice is less common today. Young Green Turtles are mainly carnivores. Adults however are herbivores, feeding only on marine vegetation with the help of their finely serrated jaws. They grow to a maximum length of 1m and can weigh 250kg. Adult females lay between 120-140 eggs at one time. Green Turtles are regularly found on the beach at night close to the KSTCP. They tend to nest only every few years but when they do they lay several times in one season.


The critically endangered Hawksbill Turtle is rarer than the Green Turtle. It is also much smaller reaching a maximum length of 90cm and weighing 50-70kg. The Hawksbill gets its English name from its narrow head and bird-like beak, which is used to catch animals hiding in small crevices. It is a regular visitor to Sri Lanka and other tropical and sub-tropical waters. Although one of the smaller species of sea turtle, it is renowned for its beautiful shell, which is made up of 13 symmetrical pieces and is very colourful. Sadly this has made it a target for traders - Hawksbill Turtle shell is the sole source of commercial "tortoise-shell".

Why You Have Choose Us

You can join in our effort to save these endangered creatures. We welcome local and international visitors to share the experience of the baby sea turtle release or see the process in action for education and awareness of sea turtle issues.

Sea Turtle Species

  • Leatherbacks
  • Green Turtles
  • Loggerheads
  • Hawksbills
  • Sea Turtles Theats

  • Entanglement in fishing gear
  • Poaching and illegal trade of eggs, meat, and shells
  • Coastal development
  • Plastic and other marine debris




    Ahungalla Sea Turtle
    Ahungalla,Sri Lanka


    Over 13 Projects Compleated


    More Than 10000+ Baby Turtles


    Over 30000+ Eggs Recovered